Thursday, 2 December 2010

Sara Carbonero and Iker Casillas - Roses Are Red...

Sara Carbonero and boyfriend Iker Casillas were spotted out together looking gorgeous and happy together as always. Is it just me or is anyone else jealous of Sara's style, man that girl knows how to dress. Please give me your wardrobe Sara :)

Sara was spotted with some red roses, that I'm assuming were from Iker. Awwwww how sweet :), we want an Iker to buy us red roses to. However the roses appear in two Sara photo's, when she is wearing different outfits, so either she changed or Iker bought her two bouquets of roses...we like to think he did. Iker you romantic piece of Spanish hotness.
Dear Santa,
For Christmas we would please like Sara Carbonero's wardrobe and her boyfriend Iker Casillas...preferably Iker Casillas with some roses, but I'm not fussy.
Thank You

1 comment:

  1. iker felicidades por ser como eres da lecciones de tu humildad al resto o a la mayoria de tus compañeros un beso
