Monday 13 December 2010

Joey Barton - Homophobic??

So Liverpool lost 3-1 to Newcastle over the weekend. People have been saying Fernando Torres was distracted and not up to, you do know he just had a kid right??

Anyway it appears that Joey Barton of Newcastle United was being a tad hmmm how do we put this...rude, disgusting, a jerk maybe!! He apparantly made obscene gestures and homophobic remarks to Fernando Torres. Grabbing his crotch, calling him a 'fucking poof' and telling him to 'suck it'.

Now if it's one thing I hate and I mean HATE, is people being homophobic, no I am not gay, but I see nothing wrong with it and fully disapprove of anyone being homophobic. You might say it was just a bit of harmless banter, but coming from a footballer I think it is way out of line. For a while now, people have been fighting to make gayness in football acceptable. Whilst a lot of football fans see nothing wrong with it, there are still those who don't condone it. It is a touchy subject and one that has sparked a lot of debates over the past few years.
It may have been just a bit of harmless banter to Joey Barton, but imagine someone who was gay watched that match, imagine how they would feel.
The FA are supposedly going to investigate this and I hope they do charge Joey Barton. Homophobia in football needs to be stamped out.


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